Experiment No:
Name of the Experiment:
Implement functions of dictionary using hashing

Aim: To implement functions of Dictionary using Hashing
Hardware Software Requirements:
Ø  Intel based desktop PC
Ø  Minimum of 166 MHZ or Faster processor
Ø  At least 256 MB Ram
Ø  At least 512 MB hard-disk with at least 100 MB free of disk place
Ø  C Compiler (Turbo-c) or C++ Compiler (Turbo-C++)

Hashing is the process of mapping large amount of data item to a smaller table with the help of a hashing function. Means we can place the dictionary entries (key, value) in the hash table using hash function.

Hash table (also hash map) is a Data Structure used to store & retrieve data very quickly. Insertion of the data in the hash table is based on the key value. Every entry in the hash table is associated with some key.
Example: Storing the voter record in hash table voter id will work as key.

Hash function: The fixed process to convert a key to a hash key is known as a hash function, which is used to put the data in the hash table, same hash function is used for retrieve the data from the hash function is used for retrieve the data from the hash table.
Hash function is used to implement the hash table.
The integer returned by the hash function is called Hash Key.
On common method for determining hash key is the division method of hashing.
The formula that will be used is:

Hash key = key % number of slots in the table

Ø  Consider that we want to place some voter’s records in the hash table
Ø  The voter’s record is placed with help of the key.
Ø  Here voter id is the key.
Ø  Note that, if the voter id is large digit (ex: 7 digit number) then consider last 3 digits of the voter id as key.

No matter what the hash function, there is the possibility that two keys could resolve to the same hash key. This situation is known as a collision.
When this occurs, there are two simple solutions:


#include <stdio.h>
  #include <string.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>
  struct hash *hashTable = NULL;
  int eleCount = 0;

  struct node {
        int key, age;
        char name[100];
        struct node *next;

  struct hash {
        struct node *head;
        int count;

  struct node * createNode(int key, char *name, int age) {
        struct node *newnode;
        newnode = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
        newnode->key = key;
        newnode->age = age;
        strcpy(newnode->name, name);
        newnode->next = NULL;
        return newnode;

  void insertToHash(int key, char *name, int age) {
        int hashIndex = key % eleCount;
        struct node *newnode =  createNode(key, name, age);
        /* head of list for the bucket with index "hashIndex" */
        if (!hashTable[hashIndex].head) {
                hashTable[hashIndex].head = newnode;
                hashTable[hashIndex].count = 1;
        /* adding new node to the list */
        newnode->next = (hashTable[hashIndex].head);
         * update the head of the list and no of
         * nodes in the current bucket
        hashTable[hashIndex].head = newnode;

  void deleteFromHash(int key) {
        /* find the bucket using hash index */
        int hashIndex = key % eleCount, flag = 0;
        struct node *temp, *myNode;
        /* get the list head from current bucket */
        myNode = hashTable[hashIndex].head;
        if (!myNode) {
                printf("Given data is not present in hash Table!!\n");
        temp = myNode;
        while (myNode != NULL) {
                /* delete the node with given key */
                if (myNode->key == key) {
                        flag = 1;
                        if (myNode == hashTable[hashIndex].head)
                                hashTable[hashIndex].head = myNode->next;
                                temp->next = myNode->next;

                temp = myNode;
                myNode = myNode->next;
        if (flag)
                printf("Data deleted successfully from Hash Table\n");
                printf("Given data is not present in hash Table!!!!\n");

  void searchInHash(int key) {
        int hashIndex = key % eleCount, flag = 0;
        struct node *myNode;
        myNode = hashTable[hashIndex].head;
        if (!myNode) {
                printf("Search element unavailable in hash table\n");
        while (myNode != NULL) {
                if (myNode->key == key) {
                        printf("VoterID  : %d\n", myNode->key);
                        printf("Name     : %s\n", myNode->name);
                        printf("Age      : %d\n", myNode->age);
                        flag = 1;
                myNode = myNode->next;
        if (!flag)
                printf("Search element unavailable in hash table\n");

  void display() {
        struct node *myNode;
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < eleCount; i++) {
                if (hashTable[i].count == 0)
                myNode = hashTable[i].head;
                if (!myNode)
                printf("\nData at index %d in Hash Table:\n", i);
                printf("VoterID     Name          Age   \n");
                while (myNode != NULL) {
                        printf("%-12d", myNode->key);
                        printf("%-15s", myNode->name);
                        printf("%d\n", myNode->age);
                        myNode = myNode->next;

  int main() {
        int n, ch, key, age;
            char name[100];
        printf("Enter the number of elements:");
        scanf("%d", &n);
        eleCount = n;
        /* create hash table with "n" no of buckets */
        hashTable = (struct hash *)calloc(n, sizeof (struct hash));
        while (1) {
                printf("\n1. Insertion\t2. Deletion\n");
                printf("3. Searching\t4. Display\n5. Exit\n");
                printf("Enter your choice:");
                scanf("%d", &ch);
                switch (ch) {
                        case 1:
                                printf("Enter the key value:");
                                scanf("%d", &key);
                                printf("Enter the name");
                                scanf(“%s”, name);
                                scanf("%d", &age);
                                /*inserting new node to hash table */
                                insertToHash(key, name, age);

                        case 2:
                                printf("Enter the key to perform deletion:");
                                scanf("%d", &key);
                                /* delete node with "key" from hash table */

                        case 3:
                                printf("Enter the key to search:");
                                scanf("%d", &key);
                        case 4:
                        case 5:
                                printf("U have entered wrong option!!\n");
        return 0;


Enter the number of elements:2

1. Insertion    2. Deletion
3. Searching    4. Display
5. Exit
Enter your choice:1
Enter the key value:5

1. Insertion    2. Deletion
3. Searching    4. Display
5. Exit
Enter your choice:1
Enter the key value:10

1. Insertion    2. Deletion
3. Searching    4. Display
5. Exit
Enter your choice:4

Data at index 0 in Hash Table:
VoterID     Name          Age
10          prasad         24

Data at index 1 in Hash Table:
VoterID     Name          Age
5           krishna        24

1. Insertion    2. Deletion
3. Searching    4. Display
5. Exit
Enter your choice:3
Enter the key to search:5
VoterID  : 5
Name     : krishna
Age      : 24

1. Insertion    2. Deletion
3. Searching    4. Display
5. Exit
Enter your choice:1
Enter the key value:4

1. Insertion    2. Deletion
3. Searching    4. Display
5. Exit
Enter your choice:4

Data at index 0 in Hash Table:
VoterID     Name          Age
4           rajesh         26
10          prasad         24

Data at index 1 in Hash Table:
VoterID     Name          Age
5           krishna        24

1. Insertion    2. Deletion
3. Searching    4. Display
5. Exit
Enter your choice:2
Enter the key to perform deletion:10
Data deleted successfully from Hash Table

1. Insertion    2. Deletion
3. Searching    4. Display
5. Exit
Enter your choice:4

Data at index 0 in Hash Table:
VoterID     Name          Age
4           rajesh         26

Data at index 1 in Hash Table:
VoterID     Name          Age
5           krishna        24

1. Insertion    2. Deletion
3. Searching    4. Display
5. Exit
Enter your choice:5